Making pizza in a pizza oven

So I posted some details about the new pizza oven we built at The House few weeks ago, and it has been used non-stop since.  On Sundays we have friends over, and we all just sit around drinking wine and slowly making and cooking pizza over the course of several hours.

Summer was a good time for this project, as we have tons of tomatos, garlic, herbs, and other yummy veggies growing in the garden, for us to use as pizza toppings.  We even had enough tomatos to make our very own pizza sauce—yum!

We’ve been making pizza long before our pizza oven came around (but it was way less awesome), so Chris has gotten really good at rolling and tossing pizza dough.  Here’s some photos of the pizza-making fun.

Karis went for a stamp-inspired pizza crust

The pizza oven in action

Into the flame it goes!

We are very intense as we rotate this mini pizza—this is one of our first pizzas in the new oven, so we wanted to make sure we got it just right!

We are way too excited about our new giant pizza peel.

Margarita pizza—success!

We recently grew eggplants for the first time in the garden, and the “stamp” pizza featured them!

Overall, super yum!  We’ve been tinkering around with non-pizza dishes in the oven as well, so I’ll be updating with those attempts as we go along!

ps. if you have a delicious pizza recipe that you think I should try in the pizza oven next time, definitely send on the link!

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