Epic Fort 2012

So!  Many of you may remember the epic fort my roommates and I built in 2011
(if not, here’s the link to the post with videos)

We have now decided to do this EVERY year, on the 3rd weekend in May (mark your calendars).

How to Make a Fort : We build a fort every year!

This year we went for an even MORE epic fort than last year.
It had many new features:

  • Meters of “maze” (which was pitch black when you didn’t turn on the xmas lights inside, and extremely difficult to navigate)
  • A “Cathedral room”, which had a vaulted ceiling
  • Trap doors that helped bypass longer portions of the maze (but were invisible to those not in the know)
  • And my favorite part: a balloon room!  This was a room with floors made of couches, and completely covered in balloons.  It was like being inside a ball pit, only better.
Anywho, without further ado, here’s the video—which includes the building, playing in, and destruction of Epic Fort 2012!

We even made a layout plan prior to building!
 How to Make a Fort : We build a fort every year!

If you need to know how to make a fort, just email me with more details!

View all our Epic Forts by clicking here!

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