My Zombie Costume

I posted earlier this month about my Zombie Teddy DIY, so I thought it best to add some photos of my full Halloween zombie costume, teddy and all.  It was a pretty easy zombie costume —I used white contact lenses for my eyes, put some red food dye in my gums and on my teeth to look like I’d just had a human snack, and glued some fake cockroaches on my chest.  Then just grabbed some pajamas and I was ready for some Halloween haunting!

Easy Zombie Costume :

Lucy's Easy Zombie Costume

Lucy's Easy Zombie Costume

Lucy's Easy Zombie Costume

Easy Zombie Costume - Lucy

Zombie teddy post here.

The rest of our Terrifying Halloween Haunting team:

Chris was a nightmare clown….

We also had a stuffed animal murderer…

A zombie bride…

And a caveman-creature and a wizard!

 Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

ps. Want to view the tutorial for my Zombie Teddy?  Click here.

Bonus:  A little video of me choking up some guts in my zombie outfit.

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